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Next.js Page Router Guide

npm install @highlight-run/next
Client instrumentation

This sections adds session replay and frontend error monitoring to Highlight. This implementation requires React 17 or greater. If you're behind on React versions, follow our React.js docs

  • Check out this example environment variables set up for the CONSTANTS import.
  • Add <HighlightInit> to _app.tsx.
// pages/_app.tsx import { AppProps } from 'next/app' import { CONSTANTS } from '../constants' import { HighlightInit } from '@highlight-run/next/client' export default function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }: AppProps) { return ( <> <HighlightInit // excludedHostnames={['localhost']} projectId={CONSTANTS.NEXT_PUBLIC_HIGHLIGHT_PROJECT_ID} serviceName="my-nextjs-frontend" tracingOrigins networkRecording={{ enabled: true, recordHeadersAndBody: true }} debug /> <Component {...pageProps} /> </> ) }
Add React ErrorBoundary (optional)

Optionally add a React Error Boundary.

You can wrap the root of your app in _app.tsx with the <ErrorBoundary />, or you can wrap individual parts of your React tree.

// components/error-boundary.tsx 'use client' import { ErrorBoundary as HighlightErrorBoundary } from '@highlight-run/next/client' export function ErrorBoundary({ children }: { children: React.ReactNode }) { return ( <HighlightErrorBoundary showDialog> {children} </HighlightErrorBoundary> ) }
Validate client instrumentation

Render this example component somewhere in your client application to see it in action.

Omit the ErrorBoundary wrapper if you haven't created it yet.

// pages/page-router-test.tsx // http://localhost:3000/page-router-test 'use client' import { useEffect, useState } from 'react' import { ErrorBoundary } from '../components/error-boundary' export default function ErrorButtons() { const [isErrored, setIsErrored] = useState(false) return ( <div style={{ display: 'grid', gridTemplateColumns: '20rem', gridGap: '1rem', padding: '2rem', }} > <ErrorBoundary> <button onClick={() => { throw new Error('Threw client-side Error') }} > Throw client-side onClick error </button> <ThrowerOfErrors isErrored={isErrored} setIsErrored={setIsErrored} /> <button onClick={() => setIsErrored(true)}>Trigger error boundary</button> <button onClick={async () => { throw new Error('an async error occurred') }} > Trigger promise error </button> </ErrorBoundary> </div> ) } function ThrowerOfErrors({ isErrored, setIsErrored, }: { isErrored: boolean setIsErrored: (isErrored: boolean) => void }) { useEffect(() => { if (isErrored) { setIsErrored(false) throw new Error('Threw useEffect error') } }, [isErrored, setIsErrored]) return null }
Enable server-side tracing

We use experimental.instrumentationHook to capture Next.js's automatic instrumentation. This method captures detailed API route tracing as well as server-side errors.

  • Enable experimental.instrumentationHook in next.config.js.
  • Ignore warnings from @highlight-run/node due to a known OpenTelemetry issue
// next.config.mjs import { withHighlightConfig } from '@highlight-run/next/config' const nextConfig = { experimental: { instrumentationHook: true, }, webpack(config, options) { if (options.isServer) { config.ignoreWarnings = [{ module: /highlight-(run\/)?node/ }] } return config }, // ...additional config } export default withHighlightConfig(nextConfig)
  • Call registerHighlight in instrumentation.ts or src/instrumentation.ts if you're using a /src folder. Make sure that instrumentation.ts is a sibling of your pages folder.
// instrumentation.ts or src/instrumentation.ts import { CONSTANTS } from './constants' export async function register() { const { registerHighlight } = await import('@highlight-run/next/server') registerHighlight({ projectID: CONSTANTS.NEXT_PUBLIC_HIGHLIGHT_PROJECT_ID, serviceName: 'my-nextjs-backend', }) }
Catch server-side render (SSR) errors

Page Router uses pages/_error.tsx to send server-side render errors to the client. We can catch and consume those errors with a custom error page.

These SSR error will display as client errors on your Highlight dashboard.

// pages/_error.tsx import { PageRouterErrorProps, pageRouterCustomErrorHandler } from '@highlight-run/next/ssr' import { CONSTANTS } from '../constants' import NextError from 'next/error' export default pageRouterCustomErrorHandler( { projectId: CONSTANTS.NEXT_PUBLIC_HIGHLIGHT_PROJECT_ID, // ...otherHighlightOptions }, /** * * This second argument is purely optional. * If you don't pass it, we'll use the default Next.js error page. * * Go ahead and pass in your own error page. */ (props: PageRouterErrorProps) => <NextError {...props} />, )

pageRouterCustomErrorHandler is incompatible with getInitialProps.

You'll see Error: You can not use getInitialProps with getServerSideProps. Please remove getInitialProps.

Remove pageRouterCustomErrorHandler and consume the error in your getServerSideProps function by injecting the following code into your handler:

// client-side example; // Errors can be sent server-side with `import { H } from '@highlight-run/next/server'` import { H } from '@highlight-run/next/ssr' const projectId = '<project id>' const highlightOptions = { // Highlight options: } H.init(projectId, highlightOptions) H.consumeError(new Error("Your custom error message"))
Validate SSR error capture
  • Copy the following code into pages/page-router-ssr.tsx.
  • Build and start your production app with npm run build && npm run start.
  • Visit http://localhost:3000/page-router-ssr?error to trigger the error.
  • Once you've validated that the error is caught and sent to, don't forget to ctrl + c to kill npm run start and restart with npm run dev.
// pages/page-router-ssr.tsx import { useRouter } from 'next/router' type Props = { date: string random: number } export default function SsrPage({ date, random }: Props) { const router = useRouter() const isError = router.asPath.includes('error') if (isError) { throw new Error('SSR Error: pages/page-router-ssr.tsx') } return ( <div> <h1>SSR Lives</h1> <p>The random number is {random}</p> <p>The date is {date}</p> </div> ) } export async function getStaticProps() { return { props: { random: Math.random(), date: new Date().toISOString(), }, revalidate: 10, // seconds } }
API route instrumentation

This section applies to Next.js Page Router routes only. Each Page Router route must be wrapped individually.

  • Create a file to export your PageRouterHighlight wrapper function:
// utils/page-router-highlight.config.ts: import { CONSTANTS } from '../constants' import { PageRouterHighlight } from '@highlight-run/next/server' export const withPageRouterHighlight = PageRouterHighlight({ projectID: CONSTANTS.NEXT_PUBLIC_HIGHLIGHT_PROJECT_ID, })
  • Wrap your /pages/api functions with withPageRouterHighlight:
// pages/api/nodejs-page-router-test.ts import { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from 'next' import { withPageRouterHighlight } from '../../utils/page-router-highlight.config' export default withPageRouterHighlight(function handler(req: NextApiRequest, res: NextApiResponse) {'Here: pages/api/nodejs-page-router-test.ts') if (req.url?.includes('error')) { throw new Error('Error: pages/api/nodejs-page-router-test.ts') } else { res.send('Success: pages/api/nodejs-page-router-test.ts') } })
  • Add highlightMiddleware to enable cookie-based session tracking
// middleware.ts import type { NextRequest } from 'next/server' import { NextResponse } from 'next/server' import { highlightMiddleware } from '@highlight-run/next/server' export function middleware(request: NextRequest) { highlightMiddleware(request) return }
  • Run your app in dev mode with npm run dev.
  • Copy/paste the above code snippet into /pages/api/nodejs-page-router-test.ts and hit the endpoint in your browser or with curl to watch it work.
curl http://localhost:3000/api/nodejs-page-router-test?error
Skip localhost tracking

We do not recommend enabling this while integrating Highlight for the first time because it will prevent you from validating that your local build can send data to Highlight.

In the case that you don't want local sessions sent to Highlight, the excludedHostnames prop accepts an array of partial or full hostnames. For example, if you pass in excludedHostnames={['localhost', 'staging]}, you'll block localhost on all ports, and

Alternatively, you could manually call H.start() and H.stop() to manage invocation on your own.

// components/custom-highlight-start.tsx 'use client' import { H } from '@highlight-run/next/client' import { useEffect } from 'react' export function CustomHighlightStart() { useEffect(() => { const shouldStartHighlight = window.location.hostname === '' if (shouldStartHighlight) { H.start() return () => { H.stop() } } }) return null }
// pages/_app.tsx <HighlightInit manualStart projectId={CONSTANTS.NEXT_PUBLIC_HIGHLIGHT_PROJECT_ID} serviceName="my-nextjs-frontend" /> <CustomHighlightStart />